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Small Appliances

Articles, reviews, useful tips

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How to choose a hair clipper?
Basic factors and nuances of choosing a hair clipper
How to maintain the hair clipper or trimmer
How to properly clean and oil the clippers
How to choose a hair dryer?
Figure out what types of hair dryers exist, how they differ, what attachments should be included in the set
The best hand mixers for 1000 UAH
Inexpensive hand mixers that will take on most culinary tasks: kneading, beating, stirring
What to give a girl?
Note to guys: variable gift ideas for girlfriends
What to give your husband
Ideas for useful and pleasant gifts for your husband, taking into account his hobbies and preferences
What kind of motors are there in hair dryers and what are their differences?
Popular types of hair dryer motors, their advantages and disadvantages
The best inexpensive coffee makers with a built-in grinder
Available coffee machines with coffee grinder and manual or semi-automatic cappuccino maker “on board”